Hazelmere Junior School


Statement of Intent

Art stimulates creativity and imagination. It provides visual, tactile and sensory experiences and a special way of responding to the world. It enables children to see, feel and think, through use of colour, texture, form, pattern and different materials and processes. Children learn to make informed judgements and practical decisions, they explore ideas and meanings through artists.

Key aims

Art and Design at Hazelmere Juniors intends to enable children to record from first hand experience and from imagination into their sketchbooks and contribute these ideas to final pieces.

Children are encouraged to make artistic choices, selecting their own ideas to use in their work.

At Hazelmere Junior school we wish to develop children’s creativity and imagination through opportunities to experiment with different materials, tools and techniques. Through artist studies and references, the children at Hazelmere Junior School will increase their awareness and knowledge of artists and the impact and influence of these artists on society and culture.


Hazelmere - Art Curriculum Map

Hazelmere - Progression of Skills (Art)