Hazelmere Junior School

Vision and Values

At Hazelmere Junior School, we pride ourselves on our

If it’s to be…it’s up to me

ethos and support children to become independent learners. We want children to feel safe, secure and ready to learn and follow the three school rules to Be Ready, Be Safe and Be Respectful.

All children are encouraged to:

  • Act kindly and respect others
  • Reach high standards both academically and socially
  • Achieve their full potential
  • Become well rounded, independent members of society

To achieve these aims for our children we are committed to providing the following:

  • a welcoming, stimulating and safe learning environment
  • high expectations of our children and ourselves
  • a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum
  • equal access to all aspects of the curriculum and school life
  • fostering and maintaining links with the wider community
  • recognising and celebrating achievements in all areas of school life

All the children in our school will follow the national curriculum and the highest standards are sought in all areas. There are policy statements on specific subject areas, devised by staff and approved by Governors, which may be viewed in school.

As a school we believe that families working collaboratively with us and supporting children with their learning at home is the best way for our children to reach their full potential and we look to parents for this continuing support during their time at Hazelmere Junior School.